Unit Adjustment [June 2024]

■[PDT] 06/26/2024 22:00
■[CEST] 06/27/2024 07:00
■Unit Adjustments
■According to the result ([JST] 07/25/2024 added)
・The results before and after the unit adjustment done on [JST] 06/27/2024 is added. (see below for details).

・We will consider readjusting those units that have not reached the expected performance result.
However, a few weeks is not enough time to obtain a sufficient number of samples, so we will keep a longer period of time to collect data, and apply a readjustment if needed.

※Since we have been collecting data from the last unit adjustment, the period of data collection is short, and there is a possibility that maybe a few “errors” in the results of various units.
Also, the environment is constantly changing due to new units and new LVs of them being released every week, so we will continue to monitor the data closely, including MSs even those the results were within the expected range.

■General Type
Perfect Gundam [TB]
Spec ・Unit HP is increased as “17000” → “16000”
・Speed is increased as “135” → “130”
Ranged Main Weapon PG Beam Rifle [TB] ・Cool-down Time is shortened as “3.0” → “4.5”
Melee Main Weapon PG Beam Saber [TB] ・Adjusted compensation for Lower Melee attacks
Sub-weapon PG H Bazooka [TB] ・Weapon switching Time is adjusted.
Unit Features
・This unit is still overpowered and having a relatively high performance record even after the downward adjustment at the end of April, so we are now adjusting this MS again as announced before.

・To control the high performance in [MS losses] and survivability, [MS HP] and [speed] were adjusted.

・The following adjustments have been made to reduce [damage dealt] and pursuit performance.
・Adjusted [cool time] of the main ranged weapon “PG Beam Rifle [TB]”.
・Adjusted [Lower melee attack compensation] of the main melee weapon “PG Beam Saber [TB]”.
・Adjusted [weapon switching time] of the sub-weapon “PG H Bazooka [TB]”.

※These adjustments are expected to suppress the overall results and gradually improve the results of other general units, but we will continue to review the results data on this MS and will make another adjustment, if necessary.

Reference Data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival Win Rate Damage Dealt Amount of MS Loss
550 General Type Average 47.6 46.6 65,475 3.1
LV1 54.9 58.2 79,196 2.7
Post-Adjustments 52.4 54.1 74,751 3.6
Within Expectations
Spec ・LV1 Unit Skill “Flight Control Program LV2” has been given.
・LV1 Unit skill “Damage Control LV1” is increased to “LV2”
・LV1 Unit skill “Special Back Add-On Buffer LV2” is increased to “LV3”
・LV2 Unit HP is increased as “24000” → “26500”
・LV2 Ballistic resistance boost is increased as “24” → “30”
・LV2 Beam resistance boost is increased as “24” → “30”
・LV2 Close range part slot is increased as “17” → “18”
・LV2 Mid-range part slot is increased as “14” → “16”
・LV2 Long range part slot is increased as “22” → “23”
・LV2 Unit Skill “Flight Control Program LV3” has been given.
・LV2 Unit skill “Pursuit Melee Aux. Program LV1” has been given
Ranged Main Weapon The-O Beam Rifle ・Ammo Amount is increased as “3” → “4”
・LV2 Power is increased as “3150” → “3300”
Sub-weapon The-O Beam Rifle [Rapid] ・Cool-down Time is shortened as “1.5” → “1.0”
・LV2 Power is increased as “787” → “900”
Sub-weapon Beam Sword x4 ・Cool-down Time is shortened as “4.5” → “3.5”
Skill Bio-Sensor P Ability Boost ・Activation requirement lowered from “30% or less” to “50% or less” of MS HP.
・Increased lock-on time by enemy’s psycommu weapons from “200%” to “300%”.
Unit Features
・This unit excels in rapid assault and close-range combat, taking advantage of its high mobility and close combat capability.
In the past adjustments, we mainly strengthened The O’s performance to improve [MS losses].
However, various battle results tended to decline again, so we have adjusted the following items.

・To increase opportunities for melee attacks on enemy MS, the following have been enhanced.
・Increased [rounds of bullet] of the main ranged weapon “The-O Beam Rifle”.
・Shortened [cool time] of the sub-weapon “The-O Beam Rifle [Rapid]”.
・Shortened [cool time] of the sub-weapon “Beam Sword x4”.

・The following enhancements have been made to improve mobility and assault capability against enemy units,
as well as [MS losses].
・Enhanced the skill LV of the MS LV1 skills “Special Back Add-On Buffer” and “Damage Control”.
・Granted the skill “Flight Control Program”.
・Skill “Bio-Sensor P Ability Boost” [activation requirement] is lossened from 30% to 50% of MS HP, and the [lock-on time extension] effect for psycommu weapons is strengthened.

・The following enhancements have been made to address the declining MS LV2 results.
・Increased [ballistic resistance] and [beam resistance].
・Increased [number of slots].
・Granted skill “Pursuit Melee Aux. Program LV1”.

Reference Data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival Win Rate Damage Dealt Amount of MS Loss
650 General Type Average 50.1 50.6 81,623 3.0
LV1 47.6 48.5 81,460 3.6
Post-Adjustments 50.5 52.1 89,867 3.5
Within Expectations
700 General Type Average 50.4 50.8 90,668 3.0
LV2 42.5 37.4 82,018 3.6
Post-Adjustments 50.6 53.4 91,975 3.3
Within Expectations
Psycho Doga
Spec ・Unit HP is increased as “21500” → “23000”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
・Close range part slot is increased as “18” → “20”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
・Mid-range part slot is increased as “20” → “21”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
・Long range part slot is increased as “10” → “11”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
・LV1 Unit Skill “Special Leg Buffer LV2” has been given.
・LV2 Speed is increased as “135” → “140”
・LV2 Unit Skill “Special Leg Buffer LV3” has been given.
Ranged Main Weapon Psycho Doga B AR ・Focus is shortened as “3.5” → “2.5”
・LV2 Power is increased as “600” → “700”
Melee Main Weapon Psycho Doga Beam Sword ・Weapon switching time is shortened
・LV2 Power is increased as “2850” → “2950”
Sub-weapon Psycho Doga Beam Axe ・Cool-down Time is shortened as “3.0” → “2.5”
・LV2 Power is increased as “3150” → “3250”
Sub-weapon Missile ・Cool-down Time is shortened as “4.0” → “3.5”
・Reload is shortened as “13.0” → “10.0”
・Projectile is now less likely to hit objects on the map.
・LV2 Power is increased as “1700” → “2000”
Sub-weapon Grenade Launcher ・Reload is shortened as “12.0” → “8.0”
・LV2 Power is increased as “800” → “900”
Unit Features
・This unit excels in medium to close range combat, utilizing skills and two kinds of melee weapons in mid-air combat.
However, the overall performance of this unit and various armaments is poor, also battle results were below average, so the following items have been adjusted.

・The following enhancements have been made in order to increase the [damage dealt] and opportunities to attack enemies.
・Shortened [focus time] of the main ranged weapon “Psycho Doga B AR”.
・Shortened [weapon switching time] of the main melee weapon “Psycho Doga Beam Sword”.
・Shortened [cool time] of the sub-weapon “Psycho Doga Beam Axe”.
・Shortened the [cool time] and [reload time] of the sub-weapon “Missile”,
as well as making it more difficult for the bullets to hit the map objects.
・Shortened [reload time] of the sub-weapon “Grenade Launcher”.

・To improve [MS losses], the following enhancements were made.
・Increased [MS HP].
・Granted the skill “Special Leg Buffer”.
・Increased [number of slots].

・The following enhancements have been made to declining the declining MS LV2 results.
・Increased [speed].
・Increased [power] for various armaments.

Reference Data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival Win Rate Damage Dealt Amount of MS Loss
650 General Type Average 50.1 50.6 81,623 3.0
LV1 45.5 41.3 76,636 3.2
Post-Adjustments 50.6 52.0 86,354 3.0
Within Expectations
700 General Type Average 50.4 50.8 90,668 3.0
LV2 44.4 34.6 69,091 3.2
Post-Adjustments 49.5 49.6 83,251 3.0
Slightly below the expectations
Hyaku Shiki Kai
Spec ・Unit HP is increased as “17500” → “18500”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
・LV2 Close range part slot is increased as “14” → “16”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
・LV2 Mid-range part slot is increased as “24” → “25”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
・LV2 Long range part slot is increased as “10” → “11”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
・LV2 Unit Skill “Thruster Output Increase LV1” has been given.
・LV2 Unit Skill “Reaction Booster Program LV1” has been given.
・LV3 Unit Skill “Thruster Output Increase LV2” has been given.
・LV3 Unit Skill “Reaction Booster Program LV2” has been given.
Sub-weapon Head Pulse Laser Cannon ・Heat Rate is reduced as “10%” → “8%”
・Overheat is shortened as “18.0” → “12.0”
・LV2 Power is increased as “275” → “300”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
Sub-weapon Arm Grenade Launcher ・Power is increased as “700” → “900”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
・Reload is shortened as “10.0” → “8.0”
Sub-weapon Hyaku Shiki Kai Clay Bazooka ・Power is increased as “2300” → “2400”(Upper LVs are also enhanced)
・Ammo Amount is increased as “4” → “5”
・Cool-down Time is shortened as “7.0” → “6.0”
・Reload is shortened as “18.0” → “15.0”
Unit Features
・This unit is designed for combat over a wide range of engagement distances by utilizing a wide variety of firearms.
However, the current performance of the various types of firearms including their fire power are lacking, causing its various types of results to decline, so we have adjusted the following items.

・The following enhancements have been made in order to increase the [damage dealt] and to increase the opportunities
to attack enemies.
・Reduced [overheat time] and [heat rate] of the sub-weapon “Head Pulse Laser Cannon”.
・Enhanced [power] and [reload time] of the sub-weapon “Arm Grenade Launcher”.
・Enhanced [cool time], [reload time], [power] and [rounds of bullet] of the sub-weapon “Hyaku Shiki Kai Clay Bazooka”.

・To improve [MS losses], [MS HP] was increased.

・The following improvements have been made to address the declining MS LV2.
・Increased [number of slots].
・Increased [power] of the sub-weapon “Head Pulse Laser Cannon”.
・Added the skills “Thruster Output Increase” and “Reaction Booster Program” to the MS from LV2.

Reference Data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival Win Rate Damage Dealt Amount of MS Loss
600 General Type Average 50.5 51.7 75,185 3.1
LV1 46.6 45.3 67,459 3.2
Post-Adjustments 50.5 50.9 75,111 3.2
Within Expectations
650 General Type Average 50.1 50.6 81,623 3.0
LV2 46.1 40.0 64,654 3.2
Post-Adjustments 50.8 49.9 78,072 3.2
Within Expectations
700 General Type Average 50.4 50.8 90,668 3.0
LV3 45.4 41.5 71,472 3.2
Post-Adjustments 49.3 46.5 79,902 3.0
Slightly below the expectations
Gundam GP01Fb
Spec ・Unit can now sortie to ground MAP.
・Unit Skill “High-Performance Balancer LV1” has been given. (Added on [JST] 06/27/2024 14:40)
Unit Features
・Various adjustments were made to make this unit available for ground MAP.
※This adjustment will not affect space MAP sorties.
Pale Rider [Space Type]
Spec ・Unit can now sortie to ground MAP.
・Unit Skill “High-Performance Balancer LV1” has been given. (Added on [JST] 06/27/2024 14:40)
Unit Features
・Various adjustments were made to make this unit available for ground MAP.
※This adjustment will not affect space MAP sorties.
Zaku Minelayer
Spec ・Unit can now sortie to ground MAP.
・Unit Skill “High-Performance Balancer LV1” has been given. (Added on [JST] 06/27/2024 14:40)
Unit Features
・Various adjustments were made to make this unit available for ground MAP.
※This adjustment will not affect space MAP sorties.
■Raid Type
Rick Dom II (GH)
Spec ・Unit can now sortie to ground MAP.
・Unit Skill “High-Performance Balancer LV1” has been given. (Added on [JST] 06/27/2024 14:40)
・Unit Skill “Assault Booster LV1” has been given. (Added on [JST] 06/27/2024 14:40)
Unit Features
・Various adjustments were made to make this unit available for ground MAP.
 ※This adjustment will not affect space MAP sorties.
■Support Type
Zaku Machinery (EB)
Ranged Main Weapon ZM (EB) Long Rifle ・Power is increased as “500” → “550”
・Focus is shortened as “3.0” → “2.5”
・Shortened the hit delay of irradiation.
・Increased focus attack power.
Sub-weapon ZM (EB) Zaku Machine Gun ・Range is increased as “300m” → “350m”
Unit Features
・This unit excels at long-range fire support, utilizing its long-range weapon “Long Rifle” and the skill “Anti-Beam Coating”.
However, it is lacking the frequency of breaking the enemies’ position and attack support chances for allies, the [win rate] and [damage dealt] were not as good as they could have been.
So we have adjusted the following items.

・The following enhancements have been made to increase the chance of gaining [damage dealt] and breaking the enemies’ position.
・Shortened the [focus time] and [hit interval] of the irradiation attack during normal firing of the main ranged weapon “ZM (EB)
  Long Rifle”, and further increased the [power] of normal and focus fire.
・Extended the [range] of the sub-weapon “ZM (EB) Zaku Machine Gun”.

Reference Data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival Win Rate Damage Dealt Amount of MS Loss
500 Support Type Average 51.0 51.3 71,101 3.1
LV1 47.1 44.5 63,981 3.0
Post-Adjustments 51.0 50.6 71,188 3.0
Within Expectations
GM Cannon [Space Assault Type]
Spec ・Unit can now sortie to ground MAP.
Unit Features
・Various adjustments were made to make this unit available for ground MAP.
 ※This adjustment will not affect space MAP sorties.